Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lowongan PT Arutmin Indonesia mei 2013

perusahaan batubara yang mengelola operasi penambangan di kalimantan selatan dan sebuah terminal batubar kelas dunia membutuhkan seorang yang berpotensi tinggi dan dinamis untuk mendukung perkembangan bisnis perusahaan dengan jabatan sbb:

a. mechanical engginering GDP (code: 513BP-MCE)
b. mechanic (code: 513BP- MECH)
c. electrician (code: 513BP-ELECT)
d. plant operator (code: 513BP-PO)

persyaratan khusus:
- minimal S1 fresh graduated dengan latar belakang pendidikan teknik mesin (posisi A)
- minimal pendidikan SLTA sederjat dengan pengalaman dalam bidang terkait minimal 3 th atau diploma teknik mesin, teknik listrik, dan teknik elektro dengan pengalaman minimal 1 th (posisi b,c,d)
- memiliki kemampuan dalam mengemudikan alat-alat pertambangan (loader, excavator, dozer, coal processing plant) menjadi nilai lebih (posisi D)

persyaratan umum untuk semua posisi:
- terampil mengoprasikan komputer dan aplikasinya (MS-office)
- memiliki kepribadian dan hubungan interpersonal yang baik
- pekerja keras dan mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim
- mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- mempunyai pengetahuan dan komitmen tinggi kepada standar lingkungan, keselamatan kerja dan etika bsnis PT Arutmin Indonesia
- bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh site PT Arutmin Indonesia

kerahasiaan semua pelamar akan dijamin dan hanya pelamat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan kami undang mengikuti tes. calon yang berhasil akan mendapatkan tawaran gaji dan tunjangan lain yg komptetitif. kirim lamaran anda dilengkapi dengan riwayat hidup

mohon tuliskan kode lamaran pada judul email anda: lamaran kami terima paling lambat 14 hari dari tanggal pemuatan iklan ini:

alamat email:

sumber : bpost 18 mei 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

lowongan Tukang Las PT Indodrill Indonesia

Kami perusahaan terkemuka yang bergerak dibidang pengeboran, untuk workshop kami di Bogor , saat ini membutuhkan tenaga terampil untuk mengisi posisi ;

Tukang Las
Jawa Barat

Pria, maksimal usia 35 tahun
Berijazah minimal STM, dan mempunyai sertifikat las
Berpengalaman 2 tahun dibidangnya
Mengerti gambar dan pakai mig welding & plasma cutter.
Domisili Bogor/Depok/sekitarnya lebih diutamakan

C.V. disertai photo dan No. telepon ditujukan pada alamat e-mail tersebut ini ;

Bagi mereka yang memenuhi syarat akan dihubungi via e-mail/telp. untuk wawancara dan tes.

Closing Date:16-06-13

Lowongan drafter Baramulti Recruitment Center (Baramulti Group)

We are the fast growing coal mining, coal concession development, coal trading and shipping is seeking for highly motivated, dynamic, qualified and experienced candidate for the position of Drafter

Our Vision :
To be an Excellent and Responsible Energy Provider.

Our Mission :
To provide environmental friendly energy.


Min. Senior High School (STM) in Construction or Architecture
Experience Min. 2 years as a Drafter
Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
Able to use Sofware Auto Cad 2D and 3D
Willing to work in the Field

Send your Application Letter and CV to email address below:
(write the position code as subject)

Only qualified candidates will be invited to join the selection process

Closing Date:16-06-13

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lowongan Mine Plan Engineer PT Putra Energy Nusantara

We are coal mining company, immediately seeking for professionals to fulfill position as :

Mine Plan Engineer
Sumatera Selatan

• Preparing annual mine plan in monthly basis
• Controlling progress of short term mine - long term mine operation (weekly and daily)

Male, age 25-35 years, posses at least a Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering / Geology or equivalent.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position, has excellent skill operating mining software such as Minescape, Minex, Surpac, Vulcan, AutoCad and spreadsheets
Understand relevant mining regulation and codes as well as applicable coal - related environment regulation
Having strong ability in calculation of tools productivity
Having knowledge in coal geology.
Mastering in short-term planning & long-term planning
Have good leadership skill and good attitude
Ready to work at Site, Lahat & Muara Enim, South Sumatera.
Full-Time position available.

If you meet the qualifications send CV (Resume), Supporting Document and Photo (3x2) to :

PT. Putra Energy Nusantara
Menara Jamsostek Tower North Building Lt.11 TA-1103
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.38 Jakarta 12710

Closing Date:12-6-13


Monday, May 13, 2013

lowongan driver & operator PT saptaindra sejati (SIS)

PT saptaindra sejati (SIS) merupakan salah satu perusahaa tambang terbesar di Indonesia yang tergabung dalam group Adaro energy, dengan mengoperasikan alat berat kelas dunia. memberikan anda kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan maju bersama dalam pengembangan proyek skala besar di area kalimantan selatan Tanjung Tabalong secara optimal untuk posisi:

1. driver developing program (DDP)
program pelatihan terstruktur bagi pengemudi truck/bus yang bertujuan untuk menyiapkan menjadi operator untuk unit yang lebih besar
- usia pada hari penyerahan berkas max 30 th
- berpengalaman dan mahir mengendarai kendaraan roda 6
- memiliki minimal SIM B
- tinggi badan min 165 cm, tidak bertatto dan bertindik
- melampirkan surat pengalaman kerja/sertifikat training (diutamakan)
- pendidikan min SMA/sederajat
- melampirkan surat lamaran, riwayat hidup, pas foto terbaru warna (4x6 : 2 lembar), ijazah terakhir, surat kelakuan baik, surat pencari kerja (form AK 1 disnaker) foto copy SIM B

2. operator / driver
a. HDT KOM 465 (OPCC)
b. HDT COM 785 UP (HDT)
persyaratan :
- usia max 40 th (HDT, EXC, TR, CR) 30 th (DS, DZ)
- pendidikan min SMP/sederajat (HDT, EXC, TR, CR) SMA/sederajat (DS, DZ)
- memiliki min SIM A (HDT) dan SIM B II (TR, DS, DZ)
- memiliki sertifikat training/kimper/pengalaman kerja min 1 th
- memiliki SIO (CR)
- pelamar wajib menunjukkan dokumen asli pada saat interview

kirim berkas lamaran ke HR SECTION - RECRUITMENT PT. Saptaindra sejati site Adaro
PO BOX 195 Tanjung Tabalong
atau email ke:
cantumkan alamat yang jelas dan KODE posisi yang dilamar pada sudut kiri atas amplop, serta telepon yang dapat dihubungi. hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria yang akan kami proses lebih lanjut.

sumber : BPOST 11.5.13

Lowongan Engineer - Solid Control - Drilling Waste PT. SCOMI OILTOOLS

PT. SCOMI OILTOOLS, a subsidiary of SCOMI GROUP, is one of the world s leading providers of innovative high performance Drilling Fluids solutions and state-of-the-art Drilling Waste Management services. With a combined experience of almost 50 years and a global presence at 62 locations in 27 countries, we are well-placed to look after your oilfield requirements.

The Oilfield business comprises two core divisions - Drilling Fluids and Drilling Waste Management. Together, these divisions form a workflow which is time and cost effective, while in complete compliance with international environmental standards. We are the desired choice of partners for oilfield solutions worldwide offering various oilfield services in one package.

Come join the dynamic team at SCOMI and you can take your place among excellent.

Currently we are seeking candidates for several positions as below criteria :

Engineer - Solid Control - Drilling Waste Management

S1 / D3 electric / mechanic, minimum experience 2 years in Oil & Gas Industries
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Able to operate a computer / PC
Self motivated, pro-active and able to work as part of the team
Willing to work in a remote area
Good attitude and able to work under pressure

If you meet the above requirements, Please send your application to

with detailed resume and recent photograph and put job title name on subject email.

Closing Date:02-06-13

Friday, May 10, 2013

Lowongan Mining Engineer PT. Conbloc Infratechno

PT. Conbloc Infratechno merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang kontraktor jalan raya membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang tangguh, professional dan suka tantangan. bergabunglah untuk posisi sebagai :

Mining Engineer

Pend. min D3 Pertambangan
IPK min. 2,75
Siap ditugaskan ke seluruh Indonesia
Bersedia mengikuti training di Jakarta

Kirim ke

Closing Date:01-06-13

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lowongan Mining Drafter PT Asmin Koalindo Tuhup

PT ASMIN KOALINDO TUHUP (AKT) is a coal mining company with its concession located in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Our vision is to be the world’s best producer of premium coking coal.
We invite the best and brightest professionals to bring their skills and expertise to our team, to grow together with us, to work in compliance with international standard systems to ensure that principals of Good Mining Practice are implemented and maintained.
We offer competitive remuneration and career development opportunities to those who are willing to work hard and put their total effort to develop this company.

Mining Drafter
Kalimantan Tengah - Tuhup Site

Min. Diploma in Civil.
Min. 2 years experience in Mining Company.
Ability to use drafting software, surpac, Minex, GIS, AutoCad.
Good undesrtanding on basic mining terminology.
Good communication in English, both verbal & written.

To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including a recent color photograph and email to:
Subject: (post applied for)

Semua panggilan resmi untuk proses seleksi PT. Asmin Koalindo Tuhup (AKT) atau PT. Borneo Lumbung Energi & Metal, Tbk. berasal dari alamat email dengan domain:

Closing Date:06-06-13

Lowongan Purchasing Officer KIDECO

KIDECO is one of the most reliable and leading coal mining companies in Indonesia. Our mine operation located at Paser regency, East Kalimantan. Supported by ± 570 man powers (excluding ± 9980 from subcontractors), Kideco produces 29 MT of coal in 2010 and reaches 31 MT in 2011. It is our commitment to maintain on-time performance in delivering guaranteed and high quality coal to our clients all over the world. To support our work operation, we are seeking good potential candidates to fill the positions of:

Purchasing Officer
Kalimantan Timur - Paser, Batukajang

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Industrial), Business Studies/Administration/Management, Economics, Marketing or equivalent.
At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Applicants must be willing to work in Paser,Batukajang.
Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Purchasing/Inventory/Material & Warehouse Management or equivalent.
Excellent understanding in import procedures (custom clearance, masterlist, etc.)
Good communication in English.
Smart, hardworker, trustworthy, able to work in a team-based environment.
Willing to be positioned in Batu Kajang mine site.
Full-Time position(s) available.

 Please submit your application CV including details of work experiences, recent color photograph 4x6 and other supporting documents to

Closing Date:06-06-13

Monday, May 6, 2013

Lowongan Mine Plan Engineer PT Putra Energy Nusantara

We are coal mining company, immediately seeking for professionals to fulfill position as :

Mine Plan Engineer
Sumatera Selatan

• Preparing annual mine plan in monthly basis
• Controlling progress of short term mine - long term mine operation (weekly and daily)

Male, age 25-35 years, posses at least a Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering / Geology or equivalent.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position, has excellent skill operating mining software such as Minescape, Minex, Surpac, Vulcan, AutoCad and spreadsheets
Understand relevant mining regulation and codes as well as applicable coal - related environment regulation
Having strong ability in calculation of tools productivity
Having knowledge in coal geology.
Mastering in short-term planning & long-term planning
Have good leadership skill and good attitude
Ready to work at Site, Lahat & Muara Enim, South Sumatera.
Full-Time position available.

If you meet the qualifications send CV (Resume), Supporting Document and Photo (3x2) to :

PT. Putra Energy Nusantara
Menara Jamsostek Tower North Building Lt.11 TA-1103
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.38 Jakarta 12710


Closing Date:25-5-13

Lowongan Mechanic linindo pacific

As the largest Integrated Solution Driven Automotive Electrical Company for Mining Industry in the region, controlling around 68% market share of premium high end market segment and product group built upon the strength of its people, at Linindo Pacific International we are continually improving our business operations by always encouraging innovation through the engagement of our team members across our group of companies. With a vast network of 28 branches stretching from USA to Asia Pacific and the overwhelming growth of the company and the whole industry have driven us to challenge the best candidates over the region to take part to strengthen our organization. At Linindo Pacific International, we provide opportunities for growth, personal development, and job satisfaction to all employees, and in return, every team member takes responsibility for improving the company by contributing to the sustainable yet achievable growth for the benefit of the organization.

Through this career development framework, we are in a position to retain highly skilled yet to provide an equal opportunity for every employee to reinforce our workforce and enhance our profile as a high quality employer. At Linindo Pacific International, you are invited to explore and develop your personal and professional potential within one of the most dynamic and diverse companies. We value:

-Highest level of Employee Satisfaction
-Employee Skills Competency
-Occupational Health and Safety
-Interpersonal Skills Development

Jakarta - North Jakarta, Pantai Indah Kapuk

Male, Max 25 Years Old
Candidate must possess at least a SMK Electro.
Applicants must be willing to work in North Jakarta,Pantai Indah Kapuk.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Full-Time position(s) available.

We invite qualified candidates to send their full resume with the indicate position, and a recent photograph to the following email address:
Linindo Pacific International
Gold Coast A1 Pantai Indah Kapuk
Jl. Pantai Indah Boulevard
Jakarta 14470

Attn. HRD

Closing Date:26-5-13

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Prima Multi Artha Group adalah sebuah Group Perusahaan Tambang yang terintergrasi dan sedang berkembang, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:

1. Site Administration (Pria) (kode: SA)
2. MIS Technical Support (Pria) (kode: MIST)
3. Pengemudi (Pria) (kode: P)
4. Junior Staff (Pria/Wanita) ( kode: JS)
5. Tenaga Magang (Pria/wanita) (kode: TM)

Syarat Umum :
1. Siap berkerja keras
2. Menguasai MS Office ( selain Pengemudi)
3. Dapat berkerja dalam tim
4. Siap ditugaskan di lokasi tambang atau kantor cabang lainnya
5. Berkerja sesuai target

Syarat Khusus:
Kode SA :
- Pendidikan minimal Sekolah Lanjutan Atas
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1-2 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Dapat berbahasa Inggris secara pasif

Kode MIST:
- Pendidikan minimal SMK elektro
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1-2 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Memiliki pengetahuan troubleshooting, hardware, jaringan (LAN), tower (radio) dan penangkal petir
- Tidak buta warna

Kode P:
- Pendidikan minimal Sekolah Lanjutan Atas
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1-2 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Memiliki SIM B2 umum
- Tidak buta warna
- Siap bekerja shift

Kode JS:
- Pendidikan minimal D3 dengan pengalaman kerja di bidang yang sama atau S1 yang baru lulus, Visual communication design
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris baik tertulis maupun verbal
- Menguasai Corel Draw/ Photoshop
- Kreatif dalam desain dan layout
- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke tempat yang ditentukan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Alam Sutera, Tangerang

Kode TM:
- Latar belakang pendidikan dari fakultas komunikasi/ Public Relation
- Bersedia mengikuti jam kerja kantor: Senin – Jumat, pukul: 09.00 – 17.00 (WIB)
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Alam Sutera, Tangerang

Kelengkapan surat lamaran kerja:
1. Fotokopi KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) dan KK (Kartu keluarga)
2. Fotokopi SIM B2 Umum untuk Pengemudi
3. Fotokopi SKCK (Surat Keterangan Catatan kepolisian)
4. Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Sehat
5. Fotokopi Surat pengalaman kerja (jika ada)
6. Fotokopi Ijazah pendidikan terkahir

Silahkan kiriman surat lamaran Anda via email ke dengan format penulisan subjek sebagai berikut : LAMARANKERJA_(kode posisi tenaga kerja). Contoh, LAMARANKERJA_SA untuk melamar posisi Site Administration. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran anda ke alamat berikut: Graha PMA, Jl. Puyau 1 No. 1, Sungai Besar, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan, 70714.

Lowongan PT Telen Orbit Prima

PT Telen Orbit Prima (Strategic Business Unit of PT United Tractors Tbk) is one of Indonesia’s coal producers located in Kapuas District of Central Kalimantan. To achieve our vision, we have following positions to offer for the right person that we can develop and grow together:


• Diploma degree from reputable university majoring in related social discipline from reputable university with Min. GPA 2.75
• Having min.2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• POP certification will be advantage discipline
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill
• Age max. 30 years old and willing to work at mine site (remote area)


• Diploma degree from reputable university majoring in Geodetic with Min. GPA 2.75
• Having min.2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill
• Age max.30 years old and willing to be located at mine site (remote area)


• Diploma degree from reputable university majoring in occupational health safety and environment or related discipline with min. GPA 2.75
• Having min.2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• POP & Ahli K3 Umum certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill
• Age max.26 years old and willing to be located at mine site (remote area)


• Diploma degree from reputable university majoring in occupational health safety and environment or related discipline with min. GPA 2.75
• Having min.2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• POP & Ahli K3 Umum certification will be advantage
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill
• Age max.26 years old and willing to be located at mine site (remote area)


• Diploma degree from reputable university majoring in mechanical/electrical (power) engineering with min. GPA 2,75
• Having min.2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill
• Max. 28 years old and willing to work at mine site


• Min. Vocational school majoring in electrical (power) or mechanical engineering
• Having min.2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• Highly motivated, able to work in a team, and good interpersonal skill
• Max. 26 years old and willing to work at mine site


• Diploma degree from reputable university majoring in chemical, agrobusiness, and environment with min. GPA 2.75
• Having min2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
• Good interpersonal skill, able to work in a team, and highly motivated
• Max. 24 years old and willing to work at mine site


• Diploma degree from reputable university majoring in mining with min. GPA 2.75
• Fresh Graduates or max.exp 2 years in the same position in coal mining industry
• Good interpersonal skill & highly motivated
• Max. 28 years old and willing to work at mine site

We offer competitive remuneration and attractive benefit package. Please send your comprehensive resume (with position code as email subject) together with a copy of your related certificates not later than May 17th 2013 to: (Max 2MB Attachments)


Lowongan Barging & Stockpile Supervisor PT ARTHA CONTRACTORS

PT ARTHA CONTRACTORS (AC) is a coal mining contractors with its located in Damparan, Barito Selatan - Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
We invite the best and brightest professionals to bring their skills and expertise to our team, to grow together with us, to work in compliance with international standard systems.
We offer competitive remuneration and career development opportunities to those who are willing to work hard and put their total effort to develop this company.

Sr. Barging & Stockpile Supervisor
Kalimantan Tengah - Damparan

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, any field.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators.
Good ability in monitoring coal loading/unloading activity, placement coal stockpile & blending with quality control standardization.
Able to maintain regional stockpile area in good condition, ground, water also free from any matters contamination.
Able to work in team and also good communication with management in delivery any information required.
Willing to do variety of other task that will be required beside discharge with repetitive daily operation tasks.
High integrated and self discipline with tasks and responsibility.
Applicants must be willing to work in Damparan-Barito Selatan, Kal-Teng.
Good communication in English, both verbal and written.

To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including a recent color photograph and email to:
Subject: Sr. Barging & Stockpile Supervisor

Closing Date:24-5-13

Lowongan Master Bor Nikel PT. Celebes Mineral

PT. Celebes Mineral is a developing local mining company. We are committed to become a leading energy company in Indonesia and we seek to provide a safe, healthy work environment that encourages innovation where employees can reach their full potential. In supporting our expansion, we are inviting skilled, trained, highly committed and dedicated workers and professionals to be a part of our team for the positions

Master Bor Nikel

Pendidikan minimum SMA atau Sederajat.
Memiliki pengalaman 7 tahun di Pengeboran Nikel Laterit sebagai operator dan mekanik pemboran.
Memahami komponen unit bor dan asesoris pendukungnya untuk mesin bor single tube dan triple tube.
Memahami nama market dari unit bor dan asesoris pendukungnya.
Usia maksimal 55 tahun.

Please submit your CV to . Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.

Closing Date:18-5-13

Lowongan Magang Administrasi PT Asmin Koalindo Tuhup

PT ASMIN KOALINDO TUHUP (AKT) is a coal mining company with its concession located in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Our vision is to be the world’s best producer of premium coking coal.
We invite the best and brightest professionals to bring their skills and expertise to our team, to grow together with us, to work in compliance with international standard systems to ensure that principals of Good Mining Practice are implemented and maintained.
We offer competitive remuneration and career development opportunities to those who are willing to work hard and put their total effort to develop this company

Magang Administrasi
Jakarta  - Head Office

Wanita, max. 19 tahun.
Minimal lulusan SMK jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran.
Teliti dan mampu bekerja dengan tenggat waktu.
Bersedia untuk bekerja magang full-time.

Untuk apply posisi ini silakan kirimkan CV terbaru anda beserta foto berwarna ke alamat email:
Subyek: Internship Admin

Semua panggilan resmi untuk proses seleksi PT. Asmin Koalindo Tuhup (AKT) atau PT. Borneo Lumbung Energi & Metal, Tbk. berasal dari alamat email dengan domain:

Closing Date:24-5-13

Friday, May 3, 2013

Lowongan Blaster PT. Madhani Talatah Nusantara

PT. Madhani Talatah Nusantara adalah salah satu perusahaan pertambangan dan konstruksi yang berkembang dengan pesat.

Kami mencari tenaga kerja berkualitas dan berpengalaman untuk bergabung dengan tim kami sebagai berikut :

Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur

Pendidikan minimal SMU dengan pengalaman 2 th sebagai Blaster di industri pertambangan
Memiliki sertifikasi Kompetensi Juru Ledak kelas 2
Bersedia ditempatkan di Kaltim dan Kalsel maupun di seluruh job site

Kirimkan CV anda ke alamat email berikut :

e-mail to: (maximum ukuran file 150kb)


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lowongan Heavy Equipment Operator PT Tapin Coal Terminal

We are PT. TAPIN COAL TERMINAL. We aim to construct the national largest coal hauling and terminal. Currently we're looking for highly motivated candidate to grow with us as:

Heavy Equipment Operator
Kalimantan Selatan - Tapin

Pria, usia 20 - 40 tahun, memiliki kondisi fisik yang baik
Pendidikan min. SMU/ STM
Pengalaman di posisi sejenis min. 2 tahun di perusahaan tambang batubara
Pengalaman mengoperasikan unit excavator PC300, D375, dan Wheel Loader
Pengalaman mengoperasikan alat berat dalam kondisi medan basah
Mampu menggunakan komputer (Microsoft Word, Excel)
Bersedia ditempatkan di Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan
Bersedia bergabung secepatnya

kirimkan segera lamaran lengkap ke:

Site Representative Office
Jl. Ahmad Yani KM 101, Suato Tatakan, Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan 71181


Closing Date:30-05-13